I was cruising around Ebay looking (not buying mind you since my hubby put his foot down) for lounge suites. I have had my big foofy day bed for the last three years or so, but Dear One has always hated it. Of course Chantelle has loved it too ~ and I mean LOVED it ~ with her claws. So as much as I love spending time on it, I thought the time had come to think about buying a new lounge suite.
A couple of weeks ago I found this absolutely gorgeous one on Ebay which was love at first sight. Unfortunately when I asked Dear One if I could buy it, being the last big piece of furniture we need, I thought he would say, "Änything to get rid of the day bed," but I was dead wrong. Couldn't have been a more flat no if he'd tried. Didn't even get the complete question out of my mouth before the big no came. Not much of a crier, but my bottom lip wobbled.
In my mind, I'd already purchased the Ashwell linen to recover it. Was tossing up between Wildflower and Roseblossom, until I realised how nice it might be to maybe do the two seater in one and the two single chairs in the other. Hmm, might have changed my mind on that one! Seemed like a good idea at the time, but it's a good reason why you should let things lie for a while to think on it! I was so excited! *big sigh*
I can't get the picture out of my head of the stunning lounge of Jennifer's at The Old Painted Cottage. Please cruise around her blog as it's lovely and her website has the most gorgeous cottages of the month; so beautiful and inspiring!
I was also having a look on Kimberly Ryan's blog site this week and she has a slide show of the most beautiful home of Annamarie Florio. When I was looking thru the photos on her slide show there is a couch on there to die for! Photo 29 out of the 32. Gosh, there sure are some beautiful things around! PS: Stunning porch alert!!
This was going to be my version of a stunning couch, and even better, two matching chairs *even bigger sigh* Here are a couple of pictures of the one I wanted. Picture it covered with Wildflower or Roseblossom *desperately disappointed sigh* Get over it, girl!!
Look at the lovely carved back and the feet are beautifully curved.
The wood work matches on all three pieces. Apparently they are really comfortable as well, being sprung. Could it be any more perfect, pretty and comfortable! Now I am gonna cry!! I want it so badly. Waaaa!! I need a shoulder to cry on!
So funny; your DH remins me of my own! Same thinking here :)
How is your cake coming? Looking forward to seeing you at the "Dessert Carnival"...
Posted by: cielo | 23 April 2008 at 06:45 AM
Hi Vickie, wow i was so pleased to find your gorgeous blog! Do you remember meeting at a lunch at Sandy's house years ago? Your house is stunning and I have had a wonderful time here checking out your photos. What a beautiful job you've done - you should be in a magazine, it is just so lovely. I am supposed to be having a computer break but glad i found you here and i will visit again soon and put you down as a favourite if that is ok. Mel xxx
Posted by: Melinda | 21 April 2008 at 09:36 PM
Hi Vickie
Love it! I can't believe how beautiful your home is looking, you must have been working so hard, it is stunning!!
Posted by: Gail McCormack | 21 April 2008 at 06:03 PM
Hi Vickie,
Show your hubby this post & if he still doesn't "get it" then you could sell something you already own & buy the couch, right?A trade off?
Posted by: Chris | 21 April 2008 at 10:03 AM
Oh Vickie no wonder you wanted that furniture. Recovered it would be gorgeous.
Never mind, one day you will find the perfect piece and he'll say yes!!
Posted by: Alison Gibbs | 20 April 2008 at 06:57 AM
Oh my, I would love that furniture! Lovely!~
Posted by: Carrie West | 19 April 2008 at 11:51 AM