I thought it might be fun to go back and revisit the bustle gown that started me off looking ... when I found this gown I nearly cried it is so beautiful. I was stunned that you could actually buy gowns like this ... I hadn't known ... although I have never seen another as beautiful as this, so it is really special. Unfortunately this one was already sold, which is probably lucky for me since it was US$3,400, but it sure is nice to admire it from afar ... I so envy the lucky lady who bought this ... *sigh*
Look at all the layers in the back ... this gown is just stunning!
This is an 1878 afternoon reception gown. This gown was made by Mme Vignon who was a well-known French dressmaker. She made Empress Eugenie's wedding trousseau. Just amazingly gorgeous! I would kill to own this dress.
An absolutely stunning hat to go with the dress!
And a pretty pair of shoes!
What a divine design. Don't you want to touch the folds and drapes. What was the fringing made of! I always think it amazing that the fabrics have survived so well. Imagine how long it took to actually create and all the work and the expertise required by the seamstresses! Amazing dress. You can see why it was for someone rich and with time on their hands. Thanks for showing it. Irene
Posted by: Irene | 30 November 2008 at 08:00 AM
OH I am in love....who wouldn't be so proud to own this beauty. I feel lucky just to have been able to see it. Thanks for sharing it.Kindredly :)Ellen
Posted by: Ellen | 29 November 2008 at 03:02 PM
What a thing of beauty. wouldn't it be fun to wear it to a fancy hotel tea dance. I am afraid I no longer have the figure for something like that. Thanks for the lovely pictures.TTFN
Posted by: Wanda Buxton | 29 November 2008 at 07:33 AM